Asheville Day 3 – Apple Orchard

We decided to go apple picking before the drive back home. As soon as we got to the apple orchard, the employee said we were a day late for the U-pick season…what a disappointment!! But we made the best of it and were still able to pick apples from the bins. We also bought some apple cider donuts and hot apple cider to warm us up on that cold cold morning! I wish I had asked for the donut recipe because they were amazing!!


My favorite – Honey Crisp!DSC_0501



I couldn’t leave without picking one…


Asheville Day 2 – The Biltmore

The Biltmore in Asheville is a definite MUST visit! I’ve been a handful of times, but this time we decided to take the Architects tour. It was well worth the money just for the views from the roof alone!


There were so many little details that we never noticed until our guide pointed them out!

Biltmore Staircase

Biltmore Detail



After the tour and of course some shopping and wine tasting, we ate at Cedric’s Tavern at The Biltmore Village where we had the best grilled cheese of my life!!!

Grilled cheese

And of course we had to walk through the garden to see all the pretty flowers!!


Some hiking…


And the best view of the house…
